Mawuena Trebarh Featured on Joy FM Personality Profile

Mawuena Trebarh Talks About Investment In Ghana on CNBC Africa
October 3, 2015
GIPC Launches 15th Ghana Club 100 Awards
April 29, 2016

28th January 2016

She is not giant looking but always has an imposing presence; her voice is like a signature tune-unmistakable; her smile subtle but infectious. You listen to her and you will feel the aura of the Dumor family around.

Mawuena Trebarh is her name. An astute communicator is her fame and on Thursday she took her turn on the hall of fame with sit-in host Rudy Kwakye on Joy FM’s personality profile.

Confident looking, smooth talking, with an amazing charisma, the former Newmont, MTN and now GIPC ambassador run listeners through a life of excellent service; and what makes the legendary Dumor family stands out.

“Our lives have always been service and what you can do differently to improve the dynamics,” she said of herself and family.

With a background in mining and geology, Mawuena Trebarh has almost effortlessly weaved her way through corridors of power in the corporate world dazzling many with her intelligence and great command of the language.

Born in Ghana, schooled in Nigeria and no stranger to the US, Mawuena Trebarh grew up learning different cultures some of which have made her learn the aggression of a typical Nigerian man, picked the cordiality of the Ghanaian and the confidence of the American.

Her cultural influences notwithstanding, she does need a bowl full of apkle before she could speak her mother tongue- Ewe.

With her new challenge to sell the amazing investment opportunities Ghana has to offer to the rest of the world, Mawuena Trebarh named three of Ghana’s best-selling points- Hospitality, chocolate and football.


By: Nathan Gadugah

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